When Jane and Michael, the children of the wealthy Banks family, are faced with the prospect of a new nanny, they are pleasantly surprised by the arrival of the magical Mary Poppins. The Elite Academy of Dance have recreated their fabulous adventure with a fun filled show of ballet, musical theatre, tap dance, acrobatics and street dance, suitable for all of the family!
The Elite Academy of Dance is a local recreational dance school in Grantham, which has been running and performing for over 20 years. We look forward to welcoming you once again to join us on this magical adventure.
Important Information
Venue: Guildhall Arts Centre, Theatre
Tickets: £13 standard
Fri 4 - Sat 5 Oct
Harrowby Singers invites you to join us as we immerse you in A Musical Spectacul...
Fri 6 Sep, Fri 11 Oct, Sat 9 Nov & Sat 7 Dec
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, The 11th of October Disco will no longer be taking place. THE...
Mon 21 Oct, Mon 18 Nov & Mon 16 Dec
Join us in our beautiful Ballroom and spark joy in your toddler's world with our themed disco toddler sessions...
Thurs 24 Oct
Amongst drifting waterweed and ancient moss-covered rocks, a Watersprite awakens...
Every Monday
Monday dance classes - Starting 16th September Discover the joy of dance in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere...
Thurs 3 Oct
Sadly due to performer illness this performance has been cancelled. All customer...
Sat 5 Oct
The Guildhall Arts Centre is delighted to welcome to Grantham the legendary 70’s folk-rock pioneers LINDISFARN...
Wed 9 Oct
Recently formed at the Royal Academy of Music, this international ensemble inclu...